Learn Mobile App Development In 20 days

Transform your life and redefine your future. Browse our carefully curated catalogue of courses, specially designed to train you with speed and effectiveness in mind. Your success story starts now!

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Apps Developed By Our Students​

Be inspired by our students’ outstanding designs, showcasing their mastery of skills learned through our expert-led courses.

What To Expect

Andriod App Development

Learn fast, achieve more in just 14 days with our accelerated learning program. Gain new insights, develop new skills, and achieve your goals in record time.

IOS App Development

Experience tailored mentorship designed specifically for you. Get personalized attention, expert guidance, and a customized approach to help you achieve your goals.

IOS App Development

Experience tailored mentorship designed specifically for you. Get personalized attention, expert guidance, and a customized approach to help you achieve your goals.

Figma Design

Gain practical experience with hands-on practice, applying new skills to real-world scenarios. Our interactive exercises and projects help you reinforce new concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and build confidence in your abilities

Api Integration and Testing

Unlock your potential without overspending. Our programs offer the perfect balance of quality, affordability, and value.

Api Integration and Testing

Unlock your potential without overspending. Our programs offer the perfect balance of quality, affordability, and value.

Pricing Plan

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Our budget-friendly pricing reflects our commitment to train more people and create more jobs













Hear From Our Students

Anita Hassan Alumni
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I landed my first client job 3 weeks after the training program with grouh academy. and this is what changed my entire life's story fromworking as a secondary school teacher to freelancing as a wordpress developer
Fisayo IbrahimAlumni
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Grouh Academy changed my life. I spent 3 years after my NYSC looking for jobs, until I saw grouh academy's advert on my friend's status. Today, I am earning over $700 dollar monthly working as wordpress developer
John ObinnaAlumni
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I am a student of Lagos State University, 6months ago I saw someone post the web development training and I decided to used to pay for it from my monthly allowance. I am currently freelancing as a web developer and earning over $400 monthly